Monday, August 9, 2010


Life has slowed down significantly since I moved from the city. I'm getting less used to seeing long lines. This morning on my way to work I stopped at Dunkin Donuts as usual. Surprisingly there was a long line of cars at the drive through. This was totally unexpected. I was getting late but I got in line anyway. Soon I realized that the line was not moving at all. There were people lined up, spending their precious morning minutes, putting themselves at risk for running late, for getting speeding tickets, for having accidents or for getting fired, just waiting for their cup of joe. Suddenly I realized the power of coffee. It started looking like a scene out of some Hollywood movie like Independence Day or Godzilla, in which aliens or terrorists or machines or some other evil of the kind would paralyze the whole country. Its terrifying how much control Dunkin Donuts has over our lives. After all America Runs on DD.


  1. Thank you Peter for stopping by to visit..
    Hope you enjoyed it enough to stop by again some time.. and I will do the same..
    God Bless.. Have a great day

  2. I can't imagine starting my day by waiting in line. Mornings are bad enough.

  3. Your post made my morning by starting it off with a great laugh and I could imagine the line you were in! Thanks for your visit/comment! Always appreciated! Hope you got your coffee a little easier this morning, Peter! Have a great day!


  4. Indeed. I am a teacher, and I have colleagues I would not recognize if they weren't lugging a tub of the brown stuff in the morning.

  5. Here in Canada it is Tim Horton's or Starbucks.
    And the same thing happens... this was so fun to read!
